Roba Ranch Shake's Bank On Rising Sun

Shake was truly an amazing dog with a tenacity that was unmatched in the bird field. When the chips were down he was the dog you wanted on the ground. I truly believe he could find birds even where there weren’t any.

Sadly we lost Shake well before his time due to Nocardia infection. Nocardia is a deadly bacteria found in the soil in certain areas around the country.

Knowing how special Shake was, we had the foresight to have him collected while in his prime. He is available at stud by artificial insemination to a very select few approved dams.

His pedigree below shows Champion Gun Dogs such as 2x NGDC/ NFC/ FC BDK’s Shake The Bank, NFC/ FC Tonelli’s Rising Sun, NFC/ FC Heide’s Mighty City Slicker just two name a few.

Shake was a bird hunting companion most only dream of and we feel truly blessed for the time we got to share with him.

Shake’s Stud Fee
